Boulder’s Meals On Wheels Turns The “Silver Tsunami” Into A Silver Lining


With 72 million American baby boomers turning 65 at the rate of 10,000+ a day, organizations nationwide are evaluating their readiness to serve this population. Meals on Wheels of Boulder is responding by sharpening its chic factor.

“We’re not your grandfather’s Meals on Wheels anymore,” says Francea Phillips, president and CEO.

“Roast beef, meatloaf and spaghetti – these things don’t appeal to incoming baby boomers.”

So in 2013 we took a careful look at our menus. We solicited advice from the stellar Vermilion Design + Interactive, an agency known for its creative branding work with companies like Whole Foods and Celestial Seasonings.

Vermilion thinkers rolled up their sleeves and got face to face with our neighbors. Through focus groups, interviews and surveys they came up with their recommendation: it’s time to drastically change the product.

The stated goal:  foods that are fresh, colorful, flavorful and healthful. We cheerfully accepted the challenge and, in December 2013, launched a complete menu redesign, serving foods we think are delicious, such as honey-mustard glazed salmon and lemon olive chicken with quinoa.

“The feedback from clients receiving home delivered meals and our guests at Café Classico has been overwhelming. Their smiles and delight are all our kitchen staff needs to keep going,” Ms. Phillips says.

In 2014 we redesigned Café Classico, where we serve lunch on weekdays and Tuesday night dinners, open to the public of all ages. This time, we accepted a generous offer from outstanding designers and artists of Boulder’s 505Design. They created an all-new look and feel for the eating space that has made it feel more like a restaurant than a cafeteria.

At Boulder Meals on Wheels, we strive to make our community a great place to live, with a high quality of life for our neighbors of all ages.

Used with permission
Photo Credit: Boulder Meals on Wheels

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