Indoor Cycling Motivation


Relentlessly the doctor’s advice is, “You need more cardio exercise to keep your heart healthy.”

But let’s face it, I can’t think of anything more boring than pedaling a bicycle inside. I mean, isn’t the main joy of riding a bike to go somewhere – explore new places and get some fresh air? So, I wonder as I’m looking at the exercise bike gathering dust in the corner, what’s the answer?

Indoor cycling is healthy and provides increased muscular endurance, lowered stress levels, and aids in weight control. And its safer: sadly, in 2014 there were 50,000 cycling accidents resulting in injuries in the U.S. alone.

So cycling inside is a logical solution, but how to keep it interesting? Playing videos such as BikeO-Vision showing down-the-road scenery and discovering what’s around the next bend piques riders’ curiosity. When the videos explore exotic, famous destinations, even the most stubborn couch potatoes can get in the mood for serious cardio workouts.

In cities, gyms with indoor cycling (spinning) classes are popular, but now people in rural areas and smaller communities who want to ride at home can take advantage of the motivating power of virtual reality without the fuss of a long commute. For example, provides a series of 54 different videos that feature the amazing natural beauty of national parks, Europe, and tropical islands.

Indoor cycling videos are used with the riders on their exercise machine in front of a TV playing a DVD. Regular old exercise bikes work fine as do recumbents, ellipticals, and treadmills.

So if losing weight, improving your heart’s health and your mood, or working to keep Alzheimer’s at bay seem like good ideas, get out that bike or treadmill, put in a Bike-O-Vision DVD, and get motivated!

Photo credit: Bike-O-Vision

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