Meals On Wheels Of Greeley and Weld County exemplify Special and Care when preparing nutritionally balanced meals and volunteers deliver to home bound, elderly and/or physically or mentally challenged folks or those unable to cook for themselves due to short or long-term illness or disability.
Hot meals are delivered five days a week and frozen meals are available for weekends and rural areas. The meal preparations are done by a professional staff. Special diets are supervised by a consultant dietitian.
The meals are priced on a sliding fee scale which is based on monthly income. The Area Agency on Aging provides funds based on donations.
If you would like additional information about Meals On Wheels, perhaps becoming a volunteer or just ways you can help, please call 970-353-9738 or visit
This exceptional organization has been serving Weld County since 1970, 46 years!!! Just think how many citizens have benefited over the years.