By Marilyn Bay Wentz and Mildred Nelson Bay
All We Like Sheep is a blend of creative memoir and devotionals written by a mother/daughter team in Colorado with 70 years of shared experience as sheep farmers. They share 45 memorable sheep escapades which help us understand how much like sheep we really are.
You will find charming tales of the joys and trials of sheep herding: about sleepless nights of lambing, attacks by rogue dogs and coyotes, the bond experienced when lambs respond to the shepherd’s voice, and how ewes always recognize their own lambs. These stories will make you laugh at sheep antics in one story then get teary-eyed over sheep tragedies in the next.
The Bible mentions sheep over 500 times. Some phrases have become familiar but do we really know the depth of their meaning? The Lord is my shepherd; My sheep hear my voice; Like a sheep to the slaughter; and As a lamb before its shearers is silent.
Chapter titles include: “Ice Baby”, “A Lamb Called ‘Her’”, “The Little Ewe Who Thought She Could”, “Keep Out the Thief”, “It’s All About the Smell”, “Eternity in Our Hearts”.
Besides raising lambs commercially, Marilyn Bay Wentz also edits two national agricultural publications and is the executive director of the Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. Mildred Nelson Bay and her husband have farmed in Eaton, Colorado since 1970. Both women are active in their local churches as well as AWANA and 4-H. The Bays have served in the Gideons International.
All We Like
Sheep: Lessons from the Sheepfold can be ordered from: in paperback and kindle versions, and from Cladach Publishing at Also available at select stores.
Cladach Publishing, PO Box 336144, Greeley, CO 80633, 970-371-9530 Website:, Blog:, Email: