Hospice Is Not A Bad Word


There are a lot of misconceptions about hospice out there. Research shows that Hospice patients live longer on average than if they had not received Hospice care. Hospice takes the focus off terminal illness and puts the emphasis back on living life with comfort and choices. Did you know that Auburn Crest Hospice (ACH) tailor fits a plan of care that’s individualized for each patient and family?

Larie Hucke

Larie Hucke

We all prepare for childbirth and other life events, so why aren’t we preplanning and allowing Hospice to tailor fit our end of life. Yes, we are all afraid of dying. Is it partly because we have fears about the unknown or own beliefs about what comes after death? We need to familiarize ourselves with this process, have the conversation and let Hospice help put fears and anxiety to rest. You can Choose your end of life journey. Hospice is not a Bad Word. We all deserve to die without fear, pain, and regret, but rather with respect, peace of mind, and dignity. We encourage you to have these conversations today, and remember you never have to be alone. Please feel free to contact Auburn Crest Hospice with any comments.

HOSPICE: H: honor, O: open, S: serve, P: peaceful, I: inspiring, C: caring, E: eliminate. This is what HOSPICE means to me. What does it mean to you?

~ Auburn Crest Hospice of Northern Colorado. Larie Hucke (970) 214- 1445, Shelbie Moore Radom (970) 775-7022.

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