Interview with Stan Garnett

By Bob Larson, 50 Plus Photojournalist

I met with Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett for an interview at the recent Boulder County Senior Law Day event. Stan was the keynote speaker and gave lots of great examples of crimes against seniors and how his office has prosecuted many cases involving senior victims.

Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett

Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett

Stan has been the District Attorney for seven years and has been involved with the Boulder County Senior Law Day for six years. He has a passion for helping seniors and the importance of the annual Senior Law Day event with emphasis on education.

Stan indicated over 2,000 felony cases regarding seniors come through his office annually. Statistics keep changing, but 5% are senior related with most of the crimes on financial scams and elder abuse to seniors caused by mainly family members and outside caregivers. He explained these crime statistics are improving due to the education and awareness to the senior community. Stan also mentioned that some crimes against seniors are difficult to prosecute when seniors refuse to file charges against a family member who caused the felony.

Stan’s Community Protection Division, headed by Deputy DA Jane Walsh, has been instrumental in reducing the crimes against seniors. Jane’s department provides up to 7 classes per month to the residents in the county. Federal grant money helps sponsor the monthly classes using investigators, lawyers, and victim advocates.

Stan has several recommendations on improving crimes against seniors: 1) Educating seniors about financial and elder abuse crimes, 2) Availability of law enforcement, and 3) Obtaining prosecutions on crimes against seniors.

For more information on crimes against seniors, visit the Boulder County District Attorney’s website or call 303-441-3700.

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