Colorado Free University Supports Baby Boomers in Business

Many folks of a certain age discover that they aren’t suited to the traditional retirement where you play cards all day. They have energy to spare and take advantage of the change in their employment status to create a new small business of their own. Sometimes it’s a chance to make a passion into something more, sometimes it’s a need to supplement income. Small businesses can be a great way for folks in later years to stay engaged and spice up their lives.

Colorado Free University has a commitment to supporting boomers and seniors.

On May 30th, from 8:30–4:45 pm, $88/$76, CFU presents its 5th annual signature event.The Un-Job Fair: Options and Opportunities for Successful Self-Employment is for those who are running their own businesses or considering launching one. Keynote presentations address essential attitudes and strategies for entrepreneurial success and small breakout sessions offer tips and tools for specific business needs. CFU’s local instructors donate their time as their way of giving back to the community. The Un-Job Fair offers inspiration and practical tips and tools, plus get ideas of businesses they might pursue and concrete information about how to get going.

On June 30, from 2 to 5 p.m., CFU hosts its traveling entrepreneurial expert, Steve Veltkamp, who offers the popular workshop ‘Sidelines for Seniors,’ $56/$44 with all kinds of ideas of businesses that can work well for seniors.

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