Boulder County’s Vision Zero Plan to Advance Transportation Safety

Boulder County has partnered with Lafayette and Superior to develop Vision Zero Action Plans to improve transportation safety throughout Boulder County. Vision Zero is a strategy and commitment to eliminate all serious injury and fatal traffic crashes.

Traffic Accidents

Funded through a federal Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant that Boulder County, Lafayette, and Superior were jointly awarded in 2023, the project team is undertaking a detailed analysis of traffic crashes and risk factors and developing specific recommendations to improve transportation safety in the coming years. Three Vision Zero Action Plans will be developed through this effort. The Boulder County VZAP area will include unincorporated Boulder County as well as Jamestown, Nederland, and Ward. The VZAP effort began in April 2024 and is being led by Boulder County.

The project team has completed their safety analysis and determined top crash trends that result in serious injury and fatal crashes as well as locations with the highest number of injury crashes within the county. Safety solutions have been identified to address the top crash trends. Boulder County residents who are interested in progress and learning more about the solutions identified are encouraged to visit the VZAP website at to learn more about progress and provide input on a project survey.

The VZAP effort will culminate in three Vision Zero Action Plans (for unincorporated Boulder County, Jamestown, Nederland, and Ward; Lafayette; and Superior) and are scheduled for completion in Summer 2025.

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