In September, the American Legion Academy hosted the fourth annual “Blessings of Liberty” National Constitution Week event at the Severance High School. After the introduction by Masters of Ceremonies (MC) Bob Schaffer, the presentation of colors (our flags) by the Weld County Sheriff’s Office, National Anthem sung by Kevin Lundberg, opening prayer by Jaime Rodriguez, Pledge of Allegiance by Ascent Classical Academy students, and the awards ceremony to various Weld County K-12 school students by Weld County Commissioner Lori Saine. Prize money was provided by Veterans Plaza of Northern Colorado.
Keynote speaker Thomas Krannawitter, PhD, gave a memorable speech on slavery and independence on “Tragedy & Triumph: The Greatest Anti-Slavery Movement Ever.” As Dr. Krannawitter pointed out, slavery has existed for over 11,000 years. The U.S. was only involved in slavery about 250 years ago, but was fully abolished in 1862 by our Congress. Many other nations followed the U.S. in abolishing slavery.
MC Bob Schaffer gave another memorable speech, PATRICK HENRY’S “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” on the creation of our freedom, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the U.S.
Thanks to the Daughters of American Revolution for creating our National Constitution Week, the Northern Colorado Colonial Patriots, and organizer Mary Zenzen and her staff for supporting this annual event!