Boulder County Raises Awareness of Suicide Prevention

The Boulder County Commissioners proclaimed September as Suicide Prevention Month in Boulder County and called on residents to raise awareness of suicide prevention and treatment and to know the risks and warning signs for suicide and what to do in
a crisis. While suicide prevention is important to address year-round, Suicide Prevention Month provides a dedicated time to come together with collective passion and strength to address this difficult topic.

Senior on Telephone

Boulder County residents can access the Well Mind Connection, a new service that’s free for all community members and delivered by the county for anyone who needs help finding behavioral health, mental health, substance use treatment, or other supportive services.

24/7 help is available by phone, online, and in person, regardless of your ability to pay. Visit the following websites for details:
1) Colorado Crisis Services 1-844-493-8255 or text TALK to 38255 (in English and Spanish), 2) Mental Health Partners, 3)
Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678, & 4) National Trans Lifeline 1-877565-8860

If you’re supporting someone in a crisis, you can also contact these resources.

You can support our community by learning the warning signs of suicide and what to do in a crisis: There are a few ways to approach a suicide-related crisis:
1) Talk openly and honestly. Don’t be afraid to ask questions like: “Do you have a plan for how you would kill yourself?”

2) Remove means such as guns, knives or stockpiled pills,

3) Calmly ask simple and direct questions, like “Can I help you call your psychiatrist?”

4) If there are multiple people around, have one person speak at a time,

5) Express support and concern,

6) Don’t argue, threaten or raise your voice

7) Don’t debate whether suicide is right or wrong

8) If you’re nervous, try not to fidget or pace, & 9) Be patient!

Visit the NAMI website https://
for more information or contact the resources listed above.

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