Estes Park Warns Visitors about Elk Viewing!

Estes Park would like to share information on wildlife safety, particularly elk within the Estes Park community. There have been recent high profile incidents involving humans and elk. Just before the summer rush of visitors heading to Estes Park, elk calving season takes place in the spring. During this time, female elk, referred to as cows, are highly protective of their calves, sometimes resulting in charging people who they deem to be too close. Unfortunately, some injuries to people have occurred during this sequence of events.

Bull Elk

Remember, adult female elk weigh over 500 pounds. Male elk, or bulls, weigh between 700-1000 pounds, and they become extremely aggressive in the fall during the rut or mating season.

The following tips may be useful when encountering or otherwise viewing elk: 1) View from a distance of at least 50 yards, 2) Do not approach or get too close to elk in an attempt to engage or pet them. 3) Respect the private property of others while viewing wildlife. 4) Always keep your pets on leashes, and never allow them to chase or antagonize wildlife. This can result in the trampling of your pets. 5) If driving, do not stop your vehicle on the roadway.

The Estes Park Police Department does enforce wildlife laws that include laws against feeding or harassing wildlife or allowing pet owners to harass wildlife. I hope you find these tips to be helpful, and as always, thank you for your continued support of your police department! Please email me directly at, with any comments, questions, or concerns. You can also reach me at 970-577-3827. Enjoy the rest of your summer and please, be safe! Article courtesy of Ryan Baranyos.

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