Protect Your Online ID with Strong Passwords

World Password Day is an annual event dedicated to promoting awareness about the importance of strong password security practices. In May, people and organizations all over the world will work to encourage better password habits to keep our online data and accounts safe and secure.

Password Protection

Here are some tips to help make sure your passwords are strong:
• Create passwords with at least 12 characters and include letters, numbers, and symbols.
• Instead of passwords made up of random, mixed characters, use phrases that are longer and easier to remember.
• Use a unique password for each account to prevent hackers from accessing multiple accounts if one password is stolen.
• Change your passwords regularly and avoid using easy to guess information such as birthdays or a pet’s name.
• Add an extra layer of security to your accounts by using multi-factor authentication, a sign-in process that requires a password plus additional information. That second factor could be a one-time only code sent by text or email.

The protection of your online identity is not only about creating passwords that are hard to guess. It’s also about being careful how you store and share your passwords.

Another option with Windows 10 or 11 computers is to use their bitlocker memory protection for internal or external memory storage drives. By adding passwords to your primary or secondary memory drives, hackers cannot access your vital information or hold you ransom! Computers can use this protection on your primary drive which also has your Windows operating system!

Stay informed about the latest online threats and trends. By being vigilant, you can protect yourself and your online activity from people who want to do harm. Courtesy of AARP.

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