More and more scams….

The scammers are certainly very busy!  Here are just a few to be aware of —

1.  Facebook —– friend invites from people you don’t know.  Never accept an invite from someone you don’t know.  Recently a young attractive woman invites an older gentlemen (or a young attractive man invites an older woman) to be her or his friend.  Then s/he instant messages you – for an itunes card for $50 or some other amount.  THIS IS A SCAM.

2.  IRS is busy again calling you – please remember – the IRS NEVER calls you – even if you owe them.  They use snail mail.

3.  Police or Sheriff calls you – missed jury duty?  arrest warrant?  if you pay them a certain amount they won’t arrest you.  POLICE AND SHERIFF DON’T CALL YOU AND ASK FOR MONEY.

4.  Sweepstakes – you have won a million or more!  Just pay $800 or whatever to get it released to you.  IF YOU WON – YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE TO PAY!  This is another scam.

5.  Mystery Shoppers – work from home!  Then they send you a check for you to deposit in your bank account and go out to Walmart or wherever, and buy money cards (with your bank account) to see how easy or hard it is and then call it in to the company and give your report along with the money card numbers.  Then you find out the check they gave you is fake and you are out the money for the money cards – and they have your money.

Please share this with everyone you know – the more aware we are of scammers – the less they can scam us.

Have a great spring —
Barbara EJ Bennett
Sheriff’s Auxiliary Unit Coordinator

office:  970-498-5146
cell:     970-682-0597
crime prevention unit:  970-498-5159

Larimer County Sheriff’s Office
2501 Midpoint Drive
Ft Collins, CO 80525

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