Windsong Memory Care Celebrates Ribbon Cutting Event

In mid-January, Windsong Memory Care at Northridge celebrated their ribbon cutting event by joining the Greeley Chamber of Commerce. Over a dozen Chamber Ambassadors from different Greeley businesses joined the Windsong executive staff in the celebration.

Windsong Exec Staff 2024

Windsong’s Executive Director Joshua Vines thanked the Chamber Ambassadors for attending and looked forward to having a great partnership with the Chamber. Community Relations Director Genelle Davis introduced the executive staff to the Ambassadors. Festive drinks and snacks were provided for the Ambassadors and other guests.

Windsong is a certified Montessori community, who inspires education for dementia patients.

Pictured (l-r) are Windsong’s executive staff: Executive Chef Aura Mills, Business Office Manager Leanna Dilka, Executive Director Joshua Vines, Community Relations Director Genelle Davis, Maintenance Director Joe Allen, and Life Engagement Director Angela Zigelhaler.

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