Follow The Groundhog’s Example: Stay Indoors

by Monica Ochoa

Every year, on February 2, we wait to see if Punxsutawney Phil, the world’s most famous groundhog, predicts six more  weeks of winter. Huge crowds have waited for Phil’s prediction each year since 1886. For Phil, seeing his shadow predicts six more weeks of winter-like weather. More often than not, he sees his shadow and goes back inside.

You, too, can remain out of the cold, and save time and money at the same time, by using our secure online service, my Social Security, to conduct Social Security-related business from the warmth of your own comfortable home.

When you create a my Social Security account at, you can:
• Keep track of your earnings and verify them every year;
• Get an estimate of your future benefits if you’re still working;
• Get an instant letter with proof of your benefits if you currently receive them; and
• Manage your benefits.

Setting up your account is quick, secure, and easy. Set it up during the cold weather, while you’re waiting for spring.

Punxsutawney Phil usually predicts more wintery weather, and according to the Groundhog Day event organizers, he is accurate 75 to 90% of the time. Let’s face it-spring doesn’t really start for seven weeks after Phil’s time in the spotlight each year.

Whatever the weather, you can expect to be more comfortable than Punxsutawney Phil by using my Social Security. Follow the groundhog’s example and stay inside!

From the warmth and comfort of your own home, visit to learn about all the services we provide online.

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