Town of Windsor’s First Community Art Piece

The Town of Windsor’s first community art piece is in progress. The Windsor Arts Commission selected local artist Chris Bates as the first-ever commissioned community artist to create a mural for the town. The mural is located on the west side of the 408 Exchange restaurant building along 408 Main Street. Bates specializes in large-scale murals and finely detailed pen and ink drawings. As a Fort Collins, Colorado native,

Artist Chris Bates

Bates has completed more than 40 murals along the front range in Northern Colorado. “Public art becomes a destination place for the community. It’s not just a painting on the wall it becomes a landmark,” said Bates. “It helps define the culture and the feeling of a place.”

In partnership with the Windsor Arts Commission, Bates selected three major themes that contribute to the community’s history: bison, the railroad, and sugar beets.

“We are so excited to have our first official piece of community art in the works. It has been such a pleasure to work with both the 408 Exchange and Chris Bates to create a piece of art that represents the history and culture of Windsor. said Arts Commission Chair Carrie Nutt. “Our hope is that the people of Windsor appreciate the mural and the story it tells and that it sparks excitement for more art to come!”

Visitors can observe the artist in action as he paints the 40-foot-wide wall. Work is underway and the artist expects to complete the mural in October with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

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