A Reunion 20 Years Later

Sue and Rosemary had not seen each other in nearly 20 years. Then because of an “Over Coffee” article in 50 Plus Marketplace News, written by Michael Buckley, Associate Publisher, the makings of a reunion got underway. Rosemary had picked up a copy of
50 Plus Marketplace News. As she was browsing and reading the paper, she came across the “Over Coffee” article which caught her attention. Sue’s photo clinched it. She had been reading about her longtime friend.

Sue & Rosemary

In years past, Rosemary and Sue’s mother Anna had become friends. They often enjoyed walks together. The three from time to time walked together. Anna was a 23-year breast cancer survivor. She really liked the outdoors; often stopping to look
closely at flowers along the way. Sue and Rosemary would always look back to be sure Mom was there with them. After Mom passed, the two ended up taking different paths in life.

The eventual reunion between Sue and Rosemary was heartfelt, hugs, tears and catching up. Their new chapter is underway with
phone conversation, getting together for coffee and looking forward to creating new memories. 50 Plus Marketplace News is privileged to have been a part of this story.

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