Technology Boosts Ukraine’s Morale!

I don’t like to write about war and destruction, but after watching the latest network TV news reporting the successes of the Ukrainian Army, I feel technology and passion have helped the Ukrainians defeat some of the Russian military in latter March. I hope they can continue the offensive against the Russians, providing NATO can keep supplying the anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to the Ukrainians in a timely manner. It’s refreshing that the Ukrainian Army along with their international freedom fighters have stropped much of the Russian military in their tracks.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

After the fourth week ending March 27, it’s hard to believe the Ukrainian Army and freedom fighters have destroyed at least 1,470 Russian armored personnel carriers, 914 vehicles, 466 tanks, 115 helicopters, 95 aircraft, 17 drones and close to 15,000 dead Russian soldiers including several generals according to Ukraine. But if true, this shows the power of the NATO technology along with the spirit and passion of the Ukrainian military, citizens, and freedom fighters.

Obviously, we don’t want to escalate the invasion into a world war, but that may still happen if Putin decides to unleash biological, chemical, or even nuclear weapons on Ukraine. This will likely spread into the adjacent NATO countries by accident or intentionally.

I think this invasion could have been prevented if NATO accepted Ukraine as a member or reacted faster with sending over 150,000 troops to the Ukrainian border surrounding the NATO countries. This would have sent a message to Putin and his military to stand down or receive more severe consequences.

Regardless, the Russian military was not prepared for the resistance, thus making Putin and his military look foolish strategically. We can only hope this Russian war criminal and his generals disappear forever after the invasion is over! Thanks to technology and the passion of the Ukrainians for stopping Russia! Bob Larson is a technologist and Marketing Director for 50 Plus!

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