Enough is Enough!

After that famous photo in the New York Times and other world newspapers of a Ukrainian woman and her children laying dead in the street after being killed by Russian soldiers as they were fleeing should tell the world Russia has no intention of stopping the war in Ukraine. This is typical of genocide tactics. Worldwide network news stories of Ukrainian civilians being killed and raping women provides an insight of Russia’s intent of destroying Ukraine.

The sad thing about this invasion is even though many countries are appalled at Russia’s war crimes, our nation leaders are now doing even more to stop the Russian invasion other than sending supplies. Ukraine’s President Zelensky and citizens are crying for help. Thanks to Poland for releasing their fighter jets to Ukraine.

We should admire a president and its people for fighting a corrupt Russian military. I also admire many patriotic Americans for joining in the war against Russia. I hope more world citizens will join the fight in different ways! Don’t listen to the Russian generals intimidate patriots as the generals will be prosecuted too! A no fly zone makes sense to stop the total destruction of Ukraine. Plus our United Nations citizens should join the Ukrainians in fighting this tyranny with letters to the Russian citizens about the terrible invasion and holocaust!

Finally, the United Nations passed a resolution condemning Russia of its war crimes, but not sure what good it will do without action! Four countries were against it: none other than Russia, China, Belarus, & North Korea, all communist countries! So why is our UN and NATO so scared of Putin when many countries are willing to stop him?

The United Nations, European Union, NATO, and U.S. should have sent troops to the NATO countries surrounding Ukraine when Russia started bordering Ukraine with their troops! Now, we’re in a less defensive position to react! Those sanctions against Putin’s oligarchs didn’t work effectively as they tipped them off and most of the oligarchs fled for safety!

It makes many wonder why all countries haven’t banned oil and gas imports from Russia? It makes everyone wonder if we need new leaders not afraid of Putin’s threats after diplomacy has failed. Guess what! If Russia succeeds in taking Ukraine, guess who they are coming after next? Putin wants the other former Soviet countries, which many are now part of NATO. Whether you like it or not, we must stop Russia!

Thanks to McDonalds restaurants, Coca-Cola, Starbucks, and other world business leaders for closing their stores and businesses in Russia to protest the invasion!

When is the world going to tell Russia enough is enough? The message to Putin should be: Stop your war crimes or you will be stopped with heavy consequences with an unfriendly escort trip to the International Criminal Court in the Hague! Don’t let Putin become another Adolph Hitler!

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