U.S., European, and Other World Leaders Condemn Russia’s Invasion Against Ukraine!

U.S., European, and other world leaders condemn Russia’s actions against Ukraine are justifiable! To invade an innocent country after Russia promised U.S and European leaders would NOT invade Ukraine, President Putin is portrayed as just another Adolph Hitler!

U.S and European leaders are helping Ukraine President Zelensky and their citizens in many ways by providing military assistance and supplies without armed forces. But the military forces may be eventually required by NATO and the United Nations! Plus the needed sanctions against Putin and his hard liners (Oligarchs) and their Federation Council and military leaders. Plus the NATO countries are admitting Ukraine’s women and children to seek refuge until the conflict is over.

Even sanctions against the Russian banking system, airlines, tech companies, stopping gas and oil supplies from leaving Russia, stopping supply ships from entering Russia should disrupt their economic system. I suspect even more sanctions will be required against their business leaders.

Patriots across the world may have to help Ukraine’s military stop Russian troops! Russian jets and missiles recent strikes on Ukrainian civilian targets should NOT be tolerated!

Putin is desperate to threaten a nuclear war if any country tries to stop their invasion of the former Soviet Union countries. Unbelievable that a country would do this without understanding the consequences against his country. What Putin doesn’t understand is how many UN countries have nuclear weapons! It’s obvious he probably never reduced his nuclear arsenal in the latest nuclear reduction plan with the U.S.

Bottom line after this conflict is over, the International Criminal Court may file charges against Putin, his Cabinet, his Council, and military leaders for authorizing the invasion without any reason other than greed! As WWII Nazi leaders discovered, you can run, but you cannot hide!

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