Beware of Malware!

A recent report indicated over one third of the world’s computers are infected with malware! Malware (aka malicious software) is un unauthorized software program to disrupt or sabotage your computer or steal information from your computer. It’s usually embedded inside an email as an attachment or inside another program you may have downloaded. Malware programs include computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, scareware, and other malicious programs.

As of 2011, the majority of active malware threats were worms or trojans rather than viruses. A 2014 study found that malware is increasingly aimed at the popular mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. By far, most of the new malware strains (72%) and malware infections (80%) are Trojans. Less than a quarter of new malware strains (23%) and malware infections (13%) are viruses and worms. The latest malware includes accessing passwords, and IP addresses and user names pulled from infected systems, which allow attackers into more secure networks and obtain direct control of your computer.

There are several preventions against malware. 1st, don’t open any attachments from emails you don’t recognize. Check the sender’s email address before opening any attachment. Many originate from overseas. 2nd, don’t select “click here” in emails that encourage you to access a special feature or offer. Last, be careful in opening new software programs sent by others as they may be infected. I would run the new program through an anti-virus or malware program before installing.

There are several free malware programs beneficial in detecting malware software. Several are Microsoft Security Essentials (for Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8) for real-time protection, monthly Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool now included with Windows Security updates and Windows Defender. Another free software reputable download service is CNET at They list many free malware and other programs.

Bob Larson is a technologist and Marketing Director for 50 Plus. Contact Bob at

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