Summer Hazards and Your Pet

by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Summer is a great time for you and your pet but there are some hazards that you should be aware of.

Heat stroke

For most of our pets, the summer heat can be stressful and at times fatal. Heat stroke from too much exercise in hot weather or leaving your pet in a hot car is a real danger. NEVER, NEVER , NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET IN THE CAR IN THE SUMMER HEAT. The temperatures can climb in excess of 100F and kill your dog in a few minutes.When exercising with your pet, take frequent breaks and make sure he has enough water. If your pet is easily heat stressed avoid outside activities in the heat of the day. Remember that the young animals, old animals, brachycephalic dogs like pugs and Arctic dog breeds suffer the most from the heat. Take precautions.


Fleas, ticks and heartworms are prevalent in the summer. Flea allergy dermatitis, a allergy to flea saliva, is very common. Symptoms of this problem are scratching and biting excessively at the rump and back area, causing hair loss, bleeding and scabs. Be sure to contact your veterinarian to help you with flea, tick and heartworm prevention. Natural preventives like Shoo Tags will work for fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.

Water safety

When the pool is open or you are taking your dog to the lake, don’t forget about water safety. Dogs can fall into pools and even if they can swim may not be able to get out. If your pool does not have wide steps so your dog can get out, consider investing in a scamper ramp so your dog can get out. There are also water alarms that can be put on a dog’s collar that will alert you if he falls into the water. Lifejackets are a must around water for dogs who can’t swim and if you are taking your dog boating. Every year dogs end up in the veterinary emergency room for near drowning. Don’t let it happen to your dog.

Paw injuries

If your pet walks on hot pavement during the summer, he may get burns or blisters on his feet. I have treated more than one dog with paw injuries caused by running on hot asphalt. If you like to run with your dog, consider booties to protect the paws. If the paw do become blistered, Pet Wellbeing’s Itchy Owie Ointment works well for pad injuries

Summer food

Be sure to watch your pet when you are having your family celebrations so he or she does not succumb to summer GI distress.

Dr. Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for 28 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities.

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