Holiday Tips for Pets!

Larimer Humane Society would like to provide tips on how to keep pets safe from the holiday food, decorations, and visitors who stop by. Indoor trees can be a hazard for pets this time of year. Small ornaments and tinsel can pose a choking and digestion hazard. They can also cause injury when broken due to sharp edges. A tree that is not secured can fall over on pets causing injuries as well. Water in a tree stand can become toxic if ingested due to additives and preservatives used on the trees.

Judy Calhoun & Ellie

Many holiday plants are beautiful and really add to the holiday spirit, however, many of these plants can be poisonous. The list includes mistletoe, lilies, holly, and poinsettias. They are new to the house and therefore really capture the interest of the pet. Be sure to monitor their interest in the new plants and any nibble marks.

Foods that we enjoy during the holidays are delicious and give a sense of tradition. These same foods can be toxic for our pets. It’s important to keep pets away from chocolate, onions, garlic, cooked bones, nuts, and raisins. It is always tempting to share but it really is in their best interest not to let them partake.

Lastly, pets that are shy or not used to visitors may be concerned about this disruption of their routine. Try to give them space where they can distance themselves from a guest if they choose. Also, when a guest is coming and going, be aware of where your pet is to avoid them getting out and going on an adventure.

Judy Calhoun is Interim CEO of Larimer Humane Society in Loveland. Larimer Humane Society’s mission is to further compassionate, safe, and responsible relationships between animals and people. For more information visit

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