Annual Centenarian Celebration

The Colorado Commission on Aging (CCOA) hosted their annual centenarian celebration on May 30 at the Mackenzie Place in Fort Collins. Eleven centenarians were presented certificate awards for achieving Colorado centenarian status.

CCOA Executive Chair Ruth Long gave the introduction and thanked the sponsors for their support. In addition, Lynda Meyer, Manager of the Larimer County Office on Aging and Eva Jewell, Manager of the Weld County Area Agency on Aging gave presentations on “Aging Then and Now.”

State legislative officials Joann Ginal and Vicki Marble also gave brief presentations.

A buffet lunch was provided for over 60 attendees including entertainment by Vic Anderson, a popular western singer and yodeler from Estes Park.

After lunch, the centenarian certificates were presented by CCOA members with a profile of each centenarian. A centenarian birthday cake was passed to the attendees and the above group photo was taken. The centenarians are seated with one standing in the back along with the CCOA members and state officials.

The 11 centenarian are Maxine Bell 100 years, Julia Bischoff 101 years, Vera Bodle 103 yrs, Emma Endicott 101 years, Gwendolynn Haptonstall 100 years, Alma Hunley 101 yrs, Dr. Carl Jorgensen 100 years, Oscar Land 100 years, Alice McKellar 100 years, Richard Torres 100 years, and Irene Vanatta 103 years.


Wonderful centenarian stories included Maxine’s first 8 school years were spent in a 1 room schoolhouse, but enjoyed it so much that she became a school teacher at the FDR1 School District for 20 years before retiring in 1979. After retiring, she attended the Senior Center in Fort Collins on a daily basis for over 20 years.

Julia attended school through the ninth grade, became a housewife with 3 children and many grandchildren, great grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren, active in the Lutheran Church, incredible home-maker, gardener, and seamstress. She has traveled all 50 states, plus the Caribbean, Portugal and Spain. Her secret to a long life is eating well, walking, and staying active.

Gwendolyn taught school for 2 years, then married and had 3 children, many grandchildren and great grand children and one great-great-grandchild. She and her husband farmed in Colorado until they retired in the mid 1960s. Her secret to a long life is eating healthy, having a positive attitude and great genes, the love of her family, and living a faithful life through Christ.

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