Poetry Rising

Poetry is on the rise. Especially in Senior Communities, readings provide a way for people to share their stories prompted by poetry that resonates with them at this time in their lives. My mother and great-grandmother were poets, but it was not genes that drove me to my knees or to my notebook. It was my journey to widowhood combined with the unfathomable events of the year 2020 that inspired me to try to document the learnings often hidden in each moment of our shared lives. And it’s the sharing that matters.

Author Barbara Gray

We all have stories. The stories connect us in the song of life. When we’re isolated, or lonely, or longing for connection, poetry can come to us ”unbidden as a butterfly from its own dark shell.” Sharing our songs opens doors that clean the cobwebs of our hearts. And we can rejoice and connect the dots that sometimes provide meaning to it all. “Sharing the Song” was published in February of 2021 and is being shared at Senior Communities in the Boulder area.

Bestselling author, Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse, said, “Only one who has walked the walk and felt to the human core, can that one put together words that touch hearts and helps another on the journey. Your words give that gift and last far longer than the initial sharing. Your book Sharing the Song is an inspiration.”

Barbara Wood Gray’s book, “Sharing the Song,” is available in bulk or as part of book signing events by arrangement with the author, BarbaraWoodGray@gmail.com, or by individual copy through www.lulu.com/shop. Barbara has been published in newspapers and magazines for many years and is a Spiritual Director, having graduated with a BS in Psychology from Cornell University many moons ago.

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