Become A Senior Auditor

by Sandy Hale

I just completed a class at CU as a senior auditor and had the time of my life.

You should do it this fall. Try something totally new, or learn more about an on-going interest, or something you have only dreamed about. As an auditor you have the fun of learning without the pressure of tests and papers,

In my class I was welcomed by the teacher and students alike. When fellow students, Jake and Austin, proclaimed my work “awesome” I was in seventh heaven. What a high for me!

Senior auditor registration dates for the CU coming fall semester are September 22 and 23 at Koenig Alumni Center on the corner of University and Broadway in Boulder. There is a fee to register.

Before then check on-line the course offerings and decide what you would like to take. You must request and receive permission from the teacher of the class.

In the words of two ardent senior auditors – Jan Demorest says “I had a great experience in an Art History class that compared cultural movements.” Bill Kellog, a retired professor, says “It is exciting to have the students’ surprise and appreciation when I shared my life experiences witnessing moments in history before they were born.”

Go back to school this fall and have a wonderful time, I did.

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