Colorado Music Festival’s Children’s Concert

I began taking my oldest grandson to the Colorado Music Festival’s Children’s Concert when he was four. Two years later his younger brother joined us and we’ve been attending annually ever since. With the decline and even absence of school music programs I wanted to be certain that my grandchildren got exposure to good music. Attendance provided opportunities for them to learn the sight and sound of different instruments.

The boys especially enjoyed my taking their hands to play orchestra conductor from our seats. And very important they learned concert etiquette. John and Matt are now 10 and 8 respectively. Both study the piano and the oldest the saxophone. I have no problem taking them to Colorado Symphony subscription concerts. This season they attended their first opera at CU where their behavior was better than an adult couple sitting behind us. The wonderful “grandparent reward” came at a Festival’s open rehearsal of the Beethoven Violin Concerto. As we were leaving the Chautauqua Auditorium I was astonished to hear 5-year old Matt humming the Concerto’s main theme. Could you blame me for thinking—“ Not since Mozart has there been such a genius”. This year I hope to take John and Matt to both Children’s Concerts. See you on June 28th or the 30th!

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