The Flood is Over, Now What?

By Andrea Pappas Merrill

Many seniors in Boulder County were affected by the floods last September. Some suffered damage to their homes, while others experienced major property damage. Though the physical losses were great, the loss of decades’ worth of family memories and items of great sentimental value may be the most devastating loss of all. How do we move through this emotional rollercoaster, and how can we be prepared for another event?

Colorado Spirit, a Boulder County flood recovery team, can help. We are a non-profit team funded through the end of December 2014 to assist residents with flood-related issues. We are here to offer referrals, link people and agencies who can assist with your flood-related needs, meet with you personally to discuss the flood, or facilitate groups so that you can share your experiences with others who are experiencing the same emotions and feelings of loss.

In addition to working through the issues of last year’s flood, preparing for future events is wise. Suggestions for preparedness include having:
• Three days emergency supplies for sheltering in place
• Emergency supplies to take with you if you need to leave quickly
• An emergency plan for your family – if separated, how will you and your family reunite during or after an emergency?

Contact us at (720) 498-1759 or for emergency kit content lists and resources so that you are not caught unprepared for future events. Colorado Spirit is not affiliated with any faith based organizations.

Andrea Pappas Merrill serves on Boulder County Colorado Spirit’s Flood Recovery Outreach Team. 

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