National Men’s Health Week June 9th-15th

By: Meaghan Hartman, Garden Square of Greeley

National Men’s Health week is celebrated every year during the week leading up to and including Father’s Day. This year, Men’s Health Week runs June 9th through the 15th. During this celebration, communities, families and individuals can help raise awareness of preventable health problems occurring in men and promote healthy living.

Men are encouraged to lead by example. It’s important to eat healthy, have regular checkups, quit using tobacco, sleep well, and manage stress levels. Men can also wear blue (the color designated for National Men’s Health Week) to remind other men of the necessity of being well. Statistics indicate women are more likely than men to visit doctors and take preventative measures when it comes to their health. National Men’s Health week aims to encourage men to be proactive with their health and see a doctor for health problems before they become harder to control.

Communities can celebrate National Men’s Health Week by holding educational events informing men about what they can do to remain healthy. Here are some ideas for promoting men’s health in your community:

• Organize a Men’s Health Fair: discuss injury prevention, heart health, workplace safety, and cancer

• Encourage men you know to kick-off National Men’s Health Week with a visit to their doctor for a check-up

• Discuss the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and taking preventative measures to remain healthy with the men and boys in your life

Resources: Features/HealthyMen, http://www.

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