Fort Collins Launches Our Climate Future Plan

In March, Fort Collins City Council adopted the Our Climate Future Plan, the culmination of a joint update to the Climate Action Plan, Energy Policy and Road to Zero Waste Plan. The combined plan, rooted in collaboration with over 1,000 members of the Fort Collins community, aims to achieve three primary environmental goals while centering the work in equity, leading with race:

Our Climate Future Plan

• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% below 2005 baseline levels by 2030
• Provide 100% renewable electricity by 2030 with grid and local sources, and
• Achieve zero waste, or 100% landfill diversion, by 2030.

The Plan articulates an unwavering commitment to mitigating climate change with a systems-approach, centering solutions around people and community priorities. For this reason, the Our Climate Future Plan emphasizes thirteen Big Moves (transformational outcomes) designed in collaboration with and for the community, so that everyone can benefit from a carbon neutral, zero waste, and renewable Fort Collins. Each Big Move encompasses themes around; Better Together, Live Better, Resource Better, and Breathe Better, and identifies related Next Moves (strategies and tactics).

Implementation of the Our Climate Future Plan will begin this year. Additional details of the Next Moves prioritized for implementation in 2021 and 2022 are outlined in the companion 2021/22 Tactical Plan. Community members can explore how to make a difference by reviewing the Action Guide. Achieving these goals will require all parts of the community to take action and the partnership of many new and existing leaders. The Plan is designed to be “evergreen,” with the intention that the community will partner together and share leadership, improving strategies over time through two-year review and calibration cycles.
To learn more visit, Fort Collins Website.

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