The Power of Proactive Planning

In February, A Little Help of Metro Denver and Larimer County held their monthly talk series webinar with several panelists on end-of-life issues. Host Steve Courts introduced panelist Sean Kennedy with Legacy Foundry, retired attorney Kay Kishline, and Mindy Rickard with the Health District of Northern Colorado. The panelists discussed wills and trusts, medical directives, Power of Attorney, and other related documents.

Sean indicated 92% of Americans say they plan talk about end-of-life with their relatives, but only 32% have done so. Topics that need discussion include medical, financial, loss of independence, and legacy issues. Interestingly, 70% feel no need to discuss these subjects until they are dying. Sean had four tips to start these discussions with your relatives before they die: 1) Knowledge on recognizing the signs, 2) Take a positive approach on the discussions, 3) Tie discussions to family values, & 4) Get help if needed by reaching out to other family members. Sean recommended these discussion procedures: 1) Keep conversations short to less than one hour, 2) Start with paperwork logistics on what is required, 3) Set expectations so both sides under-stand the importance, & 4) Cover the difficult items such as medical, financial, and end of life requirements.

Kay indicated the four most important documents are 1) your will, 2) General Durable Power of Attorney (POA), 3) Medical Durable POA, & 4) Living Will. Review these documents with an elder law attorney.

Mindy explained about advanced care planning and her services include preparing Advance Directives at no cost. It’s better to do the end of life planning now than having a probate court make decision you may not agree with. Advance Directives include Medical Durable POA, Living Will, CPR Directive, and the MOST form.

Larimer County residents can call 970-482-1909 or visit for help or an appointment. Remember to complete your end-of-life directives today.

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