The Mask Lady

Betty Kluver, age 86, is a member of Carbon Valley Senior Center. She sits in her home since midMarch keeping her hands’ busy sewing colorful, bright and trendy face masks. Betty has now finished over 1,500 masks and counting. And would you believe, she gives them away! She takes no money. They are a gift, just like her talented gift of sewing!

She donates the masks to Fire stations, churches, Salude Clinic, recreation centers, and anyone that asks for them!

Betty Kluver

I asked her where she gets all the materials. Her answer. From the thrift shops, friends, Senior Center, or anyone that will donate to her. To top it off she makes several styles…cone shape, pleated type, vale type (for people with difficulties like asthma).

On an average day, Betty will spend 5 to 7 hours creating her masks. 

These hands keep ever-busy year-round and not just during Covid 19 times. Betty makes homemade blankets and pillowcases for Children’s Hospital and knitting hats for the homeless and baby hats for other hospitals. Upon request from UC Longs Peak Hospital in Longmont, she has made 100’s of these baby hats!

Everywhere Betty goes, she carries a supply of masks in her car…offering them to anyone that needs or wants them.

Despite having some medical issues of her own to deal with, she does not complain, always thinking of the other person first.

Thank you, Betty, for your service to many in and around your community!!

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