BBB Offers Funeral Planning Tips

It’s time to explore what you need to know about funeral planning. This is one time that any advance planning you do now will be much appreciated by your loved ones later on.

Things to consider include what type of funeral it should be, which funeral provider to use, if the body is to be buried, cremated or donated to science, and which services are required and which are options. And most importantly, what is it all going to cost?

“Planning a funeral after a death is an emotional and trying situation when many survivors are unable to think clearly and rationally,” said Shelley Polansky, vice president of communications for Better Business Bureau Serving Northern Colorado and Wyoming. “Pre-planning makes the grieving process easier for all concerned.”

Your BBB and the Federal Trade Commission offer these tips to help you shop for funeral services:

  • Shop around in advance. Compare prices from at least two funeral homes. Remember that you can supply your own casket or urn. Don’t forget to check out the business at

  • Ask for a price list. The law requires funeral homes to give you written price lists for products and services.

  • Resist pressure to buy goods and services you don’t really want or need.

  • Avoid emotional overspending. It’s not necessary to have the fanciest casket or the most elaborate funeral to properly honor a loved one.

  • Recognize your rights. Laws regarding funerals and burials vary from state to state. It’s a smart move to know which goods or services the law requires you to purchase and which are optional.

  • Apply the same smart-shopping techniques you use for other major purchases. You can cut costs by limiting the viewing to one day or one hour before the funeral (or not at all), and by dressing your loved one in a favorite outfit instead of costly burial clothing.

  • Shop in advance; comparison shop without time constraints, create opportunity for family discussion, and lift some of the burden from your family.

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