Benefits of a Regional Health Department

By Jeff Baker, Arapahoe County Commissioner, District Three

Watches, banks cheese, and chocolate. What do these things make you think of?

Hopefully, you said “Switzerland.” Maybe you also thought of the word ‘neutrality,’ ‘mediation’, or ‘diplomacy’ because of that nation’s stance during WWII as the allies and axis forces waged war all around Switzerland.

When it comes to recent events surrounding the local health department, the Tri-County Health Department, or TCHD, you can now think of the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners as sort of a local Switzerland.

First, let me say that the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners is taking the Coronavirus seriously. We have been receiving daily updates from the Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management and the TCHD leadership. I believe that the commissioners in Douglas County and Adams County are just as serious in their efforts to help citizens protect themselves during this pandemic–but all 3 counties have different numbers of cases and different degrees of impact to their hospitals.

When the TCHD issued public health orders making face coverings, masks, mandatory – a decision made and directed by the Board of Health for TCHD to follow – it seems like a battle ensued. Douglas County commissioners announced they were planning to leave the health department. Adams County commissioners were less than happy with that decision. The result? Arapahoe County commissioners continue to be open to discussions on the best way for TCHD to continue to serve all three counties if that is even remotely possible. We believe that there are benefits to having a regional health department as opposed to each of us funding and administering three separate departments.

I urge people to go to the County’s website at to see more information about the efforts of Arapahoe County during this time.

Personally, I am staying informed and participating in conference calls and online meetings, communicating with citizens and businesses who are concerned with their taxes and trying to help my constituents get the information they need from County staff. I have helped city council members stay up to date as well.

Stay tuned as we continue to facilitate these discussions with both Douglas County and Adams County


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