Cleaning Products and Pets

If you have been doing nothing else over the past several months, I would guess you have been cleaning. Cleaning and sanitation have become even more important during the Coronavirus pandemic than they were before. It is easy to forget that products purposed for cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing may not be safe for pets. And products that can kill the new coronavirus can sicken or even kill our pets.

Judy Calhoun & Ellie

Recently, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center reported that their calls involving cleaning supplies have increased by 65% over the past few months.

Here are a few tips to keep your pets safe while keeping your home clean:
• Follow the label directions for dilution and use.
• Avoid mixing cleaning products.
• Keep curious pets away when using cleaning products.
• Let the product dry before allowing your pet into the affected area. Air out any areas with a strong smell before allowing your pet back in the area.
• Use aerosols with caution around birds.
• Rinse out buckets and mops and throw wipes away.
• Shut and secure the doors of cabinets, closets or rooms where you store cleaning supplies.

Even if you are using less toxic cleaning products such as vinegar and essential oils, they can be irritants and cause distress if used in ways that are unsafe for your pets. For you cat lovers, don’t forget that our furry feline friends can be as curious and likely to get into things they are not supposed to as our canine companions. And cats can get to high places that dogs might not be able to reach!

If you pet is exposed to cleaning supplies, contact your veterinarian or the ASCPA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.

~ Judy Calhoun is CEO of Larimer Humane Society in Loveland. Larimer Humane Society’s mission is to further the compassionate, safe, and responsible relationship between animals and people. For more information, including what to do if you see a pet in a hot car, visit

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