Summertime Alerts for Pets

Summer is here and with it the sounds of summer – thunderstorms and fireworks. While we may enjoy the light and sounds that accompany them, most of our pets do not. The 4th of July is one of the most common days for pets, especially dogs, to become lost.

Judy Calhoun & Ellie

For many of us the desire to be outside and enjoy the summer is enhanced after the spring of stay-at-home and safer-at-home orders. Help your pets stay safe and enjoy the summer as well with a few simple tips.
· Make sure your pet has a properly fitted collar, ID tag and microchip with up to date information.
· Have a current photo of your pet should they get lost.
· Bring them inside when summer storms threaten and on the 4th of July or if your neighbors are setting off fireworks.
· Inside, let them stay in a quiet, safe room with the windows closed. Gentle sounds like a radio, TV, fan or music will help muffle the thunder and fireworks.
· Provide a distraction with their favorite toy or a chew toy filled with treats.
· If you know your pet is likely to be very anxious and fearful, talk with your veterinarian about possible anxiety medication and techniques to help keep them calmer.
· Don’t take them with you to a fireworks display. If you do have to take your dog with you, make sure she is securely leashed.

Also, make sure your pet can not get into any fireworks as they contain material that is harmful to pets.

If your pet should get lost, check your local animal shelter(s), your neighborhood, and social media apps like Nextdoor. Judy Calhoun is the CEO for the Larimer Humane Society.

~ Judy Calhoun is CEO of Larimer Humane Society. The Society’s mission is to further the compassionate, safe, and responsible relationship between animals and people. For more information, including what to do if you see a pet in a hot car, visit

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