Salute to Seniors Rescheduled; Census Work Ramps Up; Services On Hold

Older adults as we have all seen are the most susceptible target of Coronavirus or COVID-19. Therefore, the Colorado Gerontological Society is doing our part to prevent the spread of the disease. First and foremost, we have rescheduled the Salute to Seniors to August 22, 2020 at the Colorado Convention Center. We have the same entertainment line-up. All the vendors will be joining us and we look forward to bringing you a senior expo that exceeds all our expectations.

Colorado Gerontological Society via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Eileen Doherty

Our work with the 2020 Census to make sure that every older adult in Colorado is counted was launched on March 12. The Census form is simple to complete and can be done within minutes either online at, on the phone at 844-330-2020 (English) or 844-468-2020 (Spanish) or 844-467-2020 (TDD), or by mailing in a paper form (that will be mailed in April or May). All of our community outreach work will resume when it is safe to work in groups again. Feel free if you want our staff to help you either as an individual or in a group setting to schedule an appointment in the future. However, until further notice, we will be available to help individuals over the phone.

If you need to renew your driver’s license, you may do that online even if you are over age 65. Governor Jared Polis has waived the requirement that you must apply for a driver’s license in person if you are over age 65 until April 12. This may be extended.

Governor Polis has taken action to keep all residents in nursing homes and assisted living residences safe. All visitors are prohibited unless the individual needs end-of-life compassion care. All essential health care workers are being tested routinely. All essential individuals responsible for deliveries of food, health services, and medicine are dropping items on the door step and being brought into the building by screened staff.

Governor Polis has also issued guidance for individuals who are receiving Medicaid for home care and long term care services that the time for getting all of the paperwork completed has been extended to avoid any disruptions in home care workers and nursing home services. You will be able to continue to receive help even if the paperwork is not finalized.

Many of our services such as hearing, vision, and dental services, advance care planning, and in-person counseling at the Colorado Gerontological Society will be placed on hold until it is safe to work, but we will be available by phone. If you have questions or need help, please feel free to call 303-333-3482 or 1-855-293- 6911. We may be able to help.

~ Eileen Doherty, MS is the Executive Director of the Colorado Gerontological Society and teaches Nonprofit Management for Fort Hays State University. She can be contacted at 303-333-3482 or

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