The Peak of COVID-19 Could Be in Two Weeks!

President Trump gave a press briefing today (3/29) to extend the social distancing guidelines through the end of April. He indicated the amount of confirmed U.S. cases exceeds 141,000 with over 2,460 deaths due to the coronavirus crisis, now the most in any country. The President said the peak of this virus is likely to hit in two weeks. He remarked, “The better you do (with mitigation), the faster this whole nightmare will end!”

In comparison since 2018, the flu has killed between 12,000 to 61,000 Americans a year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Sadly, the 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic killed over 675,000 Americans.

Earlier today, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the press on CNN that the pandemic could kill between 100,000 and 200,000 people in the United States if mitigation is not successful. President Trump said that is only true if Americans don’t stay at home!

The governors of over 20 states have closed non-essential businesses and told residents to stay home, many with statewide orders. Coloradoans are under ‘Stay at Home’ orders by Governor Polis. Many cities are running low on medical supplies and ventilators for the ill.

The CBS-TV program 60 Minutes reported on the update of COVID-19 with many comments by several New York City doctors facing a terrible tragedy as the hardest hit in the nation. Many of the medical teams and equipment at various hospitals are working overtime and saying they are grief stricken that they cannot save everyone. The Army Corps of Engineers is converting a New York sports stadium to a hospital. Several hotels are being retrofitted to become hospitals too.

Worldwide, the number of COVID-19 cases continues to climb, exceeding 700,000 with nearly 34,000 reported deaths. About 80 percent of people who have tested positive for the virus have mild or moderate symptoms, while some have no obvious symptoms. However the virus affects all ages, but the elderly are at the highest risk.

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