President Trump Gives Press Update on Coronavirus

Today (Sunday, March 22) President Trump along with the Coronavirus Task Force, gave Americans and the press an update on the latest status of the coronavirus threat. There are over 32,000 coronavirus cases in the U.S. with nearly half (15,168 cases) just in New York state. Worldwide there are over 330,000 cases. Many dignitaries including Senators Cory Gardner and Mitt Romney have placed themselves under self quarantine after Kentucky Senator Rand Paul tested positive last week. Even German Chancellor Merkel tested positive last week for the coronavirus. New York Governor Cuomo indicated his state is expected to be almost 80% positive by the end of April.

Millions of people in eight states are ordered by their governors to stay home and prevent further spread of the coronavirus. Three states have activated the National Guard to help with issues in California, New York, and Washington.

Vice President Mike Pence told the press today that almost 254,000 Americans have been tested for the virus. Millions more testing kits are or will be sent to the hardest hit areas. Many states have activated drive by testing stations.

President Trump announced having a phone call with all governor’s last week to let them know what his task force is doing on supplying more medical equipment and supplies to all states as needed. Additionally, he is sending a well equipped military hospital ship to New York City and Los Angeles with the rapidly expanding coronavirus outbreak in those two major cities.

the Vice President’s task force is working with many U.S. manufacturers to supply testing kits for the public, ventilators for hospitals and nursing homes, respirators for health workers, and facemasks for the public plus many other medical supplies needed for any medical facility. 3M announced today it is supplying millions of respirators and facemasks to be delivered this week.

The President is working closely with Congress and his staff to get the $1 trillion stimulus package bill passed this week. He is focused on helping small, medium, and large companies survive this terrible setback as the coronavirus is slowing our economy besides dampening the travel industry involving the cruise ships, airlines, hotels, etc. He wants to make sure all employees are taken care of during this period so that no family has to suffer financially or medically.

The Center for Disease and Control (CDC) Director gave more details on what the CDC is doing in finding a vaccine with promising results from several different independent labs.

President Trump is also criticized on a slow response by several governors too, but he responded separately that some governor’s have been slow to react too. Probably lots of fault by both sides and governments in facing a terrible pandemic!

Bottom line is Coloradoans don’t take chances with you or your family and stay home and keep your family safe and healthy! We’ll get through this sooner by practicing the recommend CDC safety procedures!

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