Kindness In Windsor

One week each year is being designated “Windsor Kindness Week.” This is an opportunity to enrich the community by promoting and initiating random acts of kindness like… Be nice to a senior citizen, Pay it forward, Thank a first responder, veteran, police officer, fireman, Be kind to your neighbor; just to name a few.

Gary Martin, Kenneth Bennett, Mayor Pro Temp, Tom Macy. All are Optimist Club members.

Recently at a Town Board Meeting Kenneth Bennett, Windsor Mayor Pro Temp, read a Kindness Week Proclamation outlining its purpose and encouraging citizens participation. The Windsor Optimist Club is the proud sponsor of the Kindness week.

The special week is actually in February which has passed by. Look to 2021 for Kindness Week!

Of course, in the meantime, acts of kindness can be expressed each and everyday. “Be kind and kindness will find you back.” “Kindness is free to give, but priceless to receive.”

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