Be Inspired By Heroic Women Worldwide

Local and international women who have overcome obstacles to make a difference in the lives of others are remembered in a special program at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures. Be Inspired, Zonta-Style is presented from 5-7 pm Thursday, Jan. 23.

Amelia Earhart

In conjunction with the Hall Gallery exhibit, Inspirational Women ~ Rising Through Adversity, the display celebrates women who have helped others in the areas of civil rights, healthcare, education, and peace.

3 members of the local organization pay tribute and explain how the Club helps empower women worldwide. Current projects include education to decrease violence against women, support for single moms and high school youth in Northern Colorado.

Zonta International, founded in 1919, is a global organization working to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. The Museum’s exhibit is part of the celebration of the organization’s 100th anniversary.

Admission is $5 person and includes entry into the Museum’s four galleries. Exhibits run through Feb. 22, 2020. the museum is located at 200 West Mountain Ave. Hours are 11 to 5 pm TuesdaySaturday.

Info: or 970-221-4600.

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