How to Choose the Right Medicare Plan

It’s open enrollment time for Medicare plans and the landscape is more confusing than ever. In Colorado alone, there are sixteen new Medicare Advantage plans being added, for a total of 52 Advantage plans available, and while it’s nice to have multiple options, many find it difficult to sort through so many choices. It is impossible to turn on the T.V. or open a newspaper without seeing ads for companies offering their version of the ‘best’ plan. Adding to the challenge, even existing plans are subject to price increases and network changes, meaning the plan people are currently on could no longer serve them in the way it once did.

“It’s really important for people to get objective, unbiased information when choosing a plan,” explains Lauren Bell, a Medicare counselor at the Denver Regional Council of Governments. “We want people to know they can reach out to us and get free counseling to help choose just the right plan for their needs.”

Open enrollment runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, 2019, and it’s only during this period that Medicare eligible individuals can change plans. “One of the hardest calls we receive come in January, when people find out their Medicare plans have changed and there isn’t anything we can do about it. By then, it is too late to change until the next year,” according to Bell.

Through their certified State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), the Denver Regional Council of Governments offers free assistance to help people find the Medicare plan that is best for their needs. They can be reached by phone at 303-480-6835.

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