Foster Independence and Purpose

As caregivers, we often “do for” the person we care for. We don’t think twice about laying out their clothes, making their bed, cooking their meals, washing and folding their clothes. What we don’t realize is when we “do for” our loved-one, we allow them to decline faster and rob them of having purpose. We do not mean for our labor of love to do this, after all, we want the very best for them!

Colleen Dougherty

Instead of being responsible for everything, invite your loved-one to assist you. With minimal assistance and adaptation they can feel useful by helping you make their bed. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, talk about the feel of the fabric, it’s design and color, and perhaps a story of the past.

Invite them to help you cook dinner by cutting the vegetables with a safety knife, mixing ingredients, or setting the table. It doesn’t matter if the silverware is set in a different configuration than usual.

Simplify your life and put them back in charge of their clothing by taking some time to go through their wardrobe so that no matter what they choose to wear, it will match. Consider buying six pairs of the same sock so no matter what they pick, it will match . Just think how this will simplify doing the laundry too!

These few examples give control back to the individual, and create self-satisfaction and pride. Rejoice in their capabilities to participate as well as your ability to let go!

It’s Worth It, They’re Worth It, You’re Worth It!

If you need help with creative solutions call Senior Life Solutions, the Experts on Aging Well® 970-282-7975,

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