Saving Lyons High School

Thursday, Sept. 5th, 6:30-7:30 pm, Lyons Redstone Museum. All invited. Send your memories –

Fighting For Our School: In the 1940’s the Country started closing small schools, as they cost more, and started to consolidate and made new School Districts. Lyons was District #47, until 1962; when the vote made up the St. Vrain Valley School District, and #47 was done away with. The worry began 1940; whenLyon Lyons protested joining the Longmont High School and being bused to Longmont. Most areas had no high School, and thru the furor were able to get board members from the outlying areas and built Skyline which gave them two High Schools. They closed Mead High School (it was closed some 50 years before they built a new High School recently; They closed Frederick and their kids had to go to Erie or Longmont; They built Niwot and Silver Creek, and were on the verge of closing Lyons.

We fought tooth and nail.

The story of how E.C. Carter, Dana Crumb, and Henri Kinson spent the next several years in fighting the closing of the Lyons schools, and building a new high school, will be recalled. Learn how Lyons beat the system; some day you may need to use these same methods to save something in your school.

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