Artificial Intelligence Used Everywhere!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Bob Larson

I’m sure you have heard of AI or better known as Artificial Intelligence. This is a part of computer science which deals with the intelligence exhibited by software and computers. It can learn and make decisions much faster than humans!

About a decade ago, IBM created Watson, a super computer, who won against the top two winning Jeopardy TV show contestants. Today, IBM’s Watson service is used to fight major diseases using the AI technology with lightning speed diagnosis and positive treatments.

AI is everywhere and is deeply embedded in our lives without us realizing it. AI is definitely helping our lives in:

Law Enforcement – facial and speech recognition, personnel rescues, fire-fighting, DNA analysis, bomb disposal, anti- terrorist activities, wire-taps, video tracking, etc.; Transportation- Driverless trains and metro commuters, self-driving or autonomous cars and cabs; Banking or Investing- Organizing financial operations, auto investing in stocks even for the individual investor;

Hospitals and Medicine: Analyzing medical images, auto robotic surgery, faster/better medical research methods, diagnose/treat serious diseases; Education Personalized tutoring using student learning patterns, and helping students with learning disabilities;

Retail and E-Commerce: Helping retail sector with marketing, distribution, and billing solutions;

Cybersecurity: Detect and provide security solutions for governments, corporations, and individuals;

Smartphones: track relatives, provide navigation aids and obtain information for your personal needs;

Home: Connecting Internet of Things such as Amazon’s Alexa combined with home security or home appliances;

Industrial and Commercial: create new and better products in shorter time; and Space –Different satellites and mobile planet rovers make their own decisions in navigation, repair, and analysis.

Overall, AI is helping our human population with new technologies in making a better life for everyone!

~ Bob Larson is a technologist and Marketing Director for 50 Plus.


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