Food Preservation Workshops

• Basics of Preserving Food Safely: An overview of the basic methods of food preservation: canning, freezing and dehydration. Learn about equipment needed and best methods for particular foods. Tasting included. Free, Register. Wed Sept. 12, 2-3:30 pm, Loveland Public Library
• Water Bath Canning: Learn how easy it is to safely can high acid foods in this hands-on workshop. The boiling water canning method can be used to preserve fruit, salsa, pickles, tomatoes, jams, jellies and more. This is a good workshop for beginning canners or those wanting to update their skills. $25. Mon., Sep. 10, 6-8:30 pm, Larimer County Extension Office
• Pressure Canning: Learn the steps to safely pressure can vegetables and meats in this hands on workshop. Includes free pressure canner dial gauge test, $10 value, bring your canner lid or just the dial gauge. $25. Tue., Sep. 18 6-8:30 pm, Larimer County Extension Office
• Sauerkraut and Fermented Vegetables: Natural fermentation is one of the oldest means of food preservation. Learn the science of preparing and storing sauerkraut and fermented vegetables safely in this hands-on workshop. $25. Wed, Oct. 10, 6-8:30 pm, Larimer County Extension Office.Registration is required. Class size limited. For more information contact Edie McSherry: or call 970-498-6008.

Publications and Canning Supplies are available at Larimer County Extension Office or Farmers’ Market
• So Easy To Preserve, $18
• Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving, $8
• Drying Foods, $5
• High Altitude Baking Book, $15
• ClearJel®, 1 lb. $5
• Pickling Lime, 1 lb. $5

Questions About Food Safety, Preservation and Preparation? CSU Extension’s Master Food Safety Advisors are ready to help with up-to-date, research-based information.
Call: 970-498-6000, Monday through Friday, 7:30-4:30 pm

Visit: MFSA Information Tent at Larimer County Farmers’ Market, 200 W. Oak St., Fort Collins. Saturdays, 8-Noon, through October.

For more information, recipes, instructions and resources: Colorado State University Extension, Larimer County Office 1525 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins,

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