Assistance League of Greeley’s (ALG) volunteers, supporters and friends gathered together at the Eaton Country Club to be recognized and honored for their dedicated involvement and valued contributions to the League. A delicious lunch was served. Guests were welcomed by League President Carol Cox who presented Special Award Certificates to various supporters of the League. During the program, League members shared the 2016-2017 fiscal year accomplishments of community-based philanthropic programs: Assault Survivor Kits, File of Life, Operation School Bell, Single-Parent Scholarships, Warm Up Weld County and Color Me Weld. 18,758 hours of members’ donated time paved the way to these accomplishments. To go one step further, non-member volunteers donated an additional 522 hours working at the Bargain Box, an upscale Thrift Shop, or on philanthropic programs.
The Assistance League of Greeley is successfully reaching their aspirations of meeting the challenges of individual needs through their programs in the City of Greeley. and Weld County. For more information or any questions about ALG, call 970-353-2226 or email or visit them at Assistance League Bargain Box Thrift Store, 1706 9th Street, Greeley.
Pictured (l-r) Fawn Harmon, Weld Co. District Attorney’s Office; Stephanie Mighell, Greeley Tribune & ALG Advisory Board; Robert Trembly, 50Plus Marketplace News; Michael Buckley, 50Plus Marketplace News; Nate Sloan, Thrivent Financial Services; Katie Shilts, UC Health (Photo byJoAnn McGrath)