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Scams are no-good schemes designed to steal people’s identity or money. They are performed by fraudsters who participate in dishonest acts. Consumers report losing more than $12.5 billion to fraud in 2024 alone, a 25% increase over the prior year per Thus, being taken advantage of can happen to anyone. Are scams preventable? Yes, indeed. … (read more…)

The multi-year partnership will support data-driven investments to advance economic mobility for Coloradans. Governor Jared Polis and philanthropy Arnold Ventures announced The Colorado Partnership for Proven Initiatives, a new multi-year $20 million philanthropic partnership to improve economic opportunities for Coloradans, starting with expanding … (read more…)

EDITOR’S NOTE: This editor believes in open dialogue as noted below by AMAC, but doesn’t necessarily agree with all of President Trump’s latest comments on Ukraine starting the Russian Invasion, eliminating vaccinations, and eliminating some important government jobs. However, I’m glad Trump is making adjustments in cleaning up wasteful … (read more…)

In February, Governor Polis, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), and Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) announced grant recipients for the Outdoor Regional Partnerships Initiative (RPI) awarding $1.17 million dollars to coalitions around the state. Regional Partnerships convene community leaders from across outdoor recreation and conservation sectors to … (read more…)


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