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50 Plus Mission
Our mission is to improve the quality of life by providing a resource written by local experts on local issues, events, products, and services in helping 50 plus adults make important lifestyle decisions.

50 Plus Overview
Since 1991, 50 Plus Marketplace News provides the most diverse monthly newspaper for mature adults in Colorado. Our FREE newspaper serves an important and growing sector of the community — those who are thinking about retirement under age 50, baby boomers over 50 approaching retirement, and seniors already enjoying life as retirees.
Our monthly content covers a broad range of subjects including local news and community service information, travel, health and recreation, arts, theater, and other leisure pursuits, including all-important financial and retirement advice by reputable professionals. Our local and national advertisers provide many beneficial products and services for our readers.
50 Plus Marketplace News is delivered each month to more than 100 cities and towns in 16 Colorado Front Range Counties, which include Boulder, Larimer and Weld Counties including NE Colorado, and it’s also distributed throughout several municipalities within Denver Metro Area.
Distribution outlets are all specifically targeted to service the needs and interests of the over-fifty population: Medical facilities by office, Hospitals and waiting rooms, Dentists and labs, Eye care centers, Pharmacies’ catering to seniors, Banks and Credit Unions, Health food stores, Hearing offices/Audiologists, Home health care agencies, Nursing homes/Assisted living facilities, Senior appropriate restaurants, some Walmarts & Fast Lube locations and Apartment complexes to name a few.
Large numbers are also delivered to such public venues as Public Libraries, State office complexes, County office complexes, City office complexes, City Senior centers and various organizations conducting superannuation and retirement seminars.
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50 Plus Marketplace News is a subsidiary of 50 Plus Media Solutions, Inc.